Scabigard® is the world’s first tissue cultured scabby mouth vaccine for the control of scabby mouth disease in lambs and sheep.
- Prevents mortality, lameness, blow fly strike, mastitis and skin lesions associated with scabby mouth.
- The only vaccine in Australia available for the control of scabby mouth.
- Low volume dose per scratch.
Available range:
5ml (P/N: 8011609)
Scabigard® is the world’s first tissue cultured scabby mouth vaccine for the control of scabby mouth disease in lambs and sheep.
- Prevents mortality, lameness, blow fly strike, mastitis and skin lesions associated with scabby mouth.
- The only vaccine in Australia available for the control of scabby mouth.
- Low volume dose per scratch.
Available range:
5ml (P/N: 8011609)