Furneys Stockfeeds
Scratch Mix 20kg
Furneys Scratch Mix is the ideal feed for free range poultry that have access to fresh pasture & space. Just spread in the yard to encourage your chooks to peck the feed & explore their pen.
- The complete ration provides essential nutrients for maximum egg size and production, strong yolk colour, egg shell hardness, overall body maintenance and general good health.
- Fortified with calcium for healthy bone development in your free range chickens
- Methionine is an essential amino acid required for growth, egg size & rate of lay
Furneys scratch mix is designed to be used in conjunction with Furneys layer pellets for happy & healthy birds.
Furneys Scratch Mix is the ideal feed for free range poultry that have access to fresh pasture & space. Just spread in the yard to encourage your chooks to peck the feed & explore their pen.
- The complete ration provides essential nutrients for maximum egg size and production, strong yolk colour, egg shell hardness, overall body maintenance and general good health.
- Fortified with calcium for healthy bone development in your free range chickens
- Methionine is an essential amino acid required for growth, egg size & rate of lay
Furneys scratch mix is designed to be used in conjunction with Furneys layer pellets for happy & healthy birds.